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  • Peter Pan (2 Hrs)
  • Peter Pan (3 Hrs)
  • Shogun (5 Hrs)
  • Shogun (Puerto de la Cruz)
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Tours From Locals > Tenerife Pirate Boat Trip


Fancy a day out on a boat watching dolphins?  Why Ay Cap’n!  Enjoy a day out on one of these fabulous pirate boats and become the master of the seven seas!   Choose from a beautiful wooden sail boat built for an Arabian Sheik and a nostalgic wooden Portuguese Gulet, to sail the coast of Tenerife, spot some whales and enjoy a swim in the oceanic waters.


Tenerife has become one of the best places to spot whales in their natural habitat and Pilot whales and bottlenose dolphins have inhabited the area just off the south west coast of Tenerife.   The waters boast some of the best conditions for both whales and dolphins, with the area being rich in food sources for these majestic marine mammals. 

It is not just whales that you may see on your excursion.  The waters surrounding the Canaries are also home to dolphins.  Bottle nosed dolphins can often be seen from the boat.   These mammals live in groups of around 10 – 30 consisting of females and calves with males swimming separately to the pod.   During winter months it is also common to see the Short-Beaked Common Dolphin which is one of the fastest swimmers in the Atlantic and they love to play and jump alongside the boat.

The waters surrounding Tenerife are warm all year round with temperatures between 17 and 24˚ C and are perfect for swimming.  The captain will drop anchor in some of the most idyllic spots for bathing and photography. As you enjoy your sail along the coast you can enjoy the views of the volcano Mount Teide and take in the beautiful coastline of the island.  This is a day out suitable for all ages and a day that you won’t be able to forget! 

Includes / Excludes

  • Hotel Transfer
  • Boat Trip
  • Insurance
  • Soft drinks
  • Lunch (Only in 3 & 5 Hrs Tours)
  • Beer & Wine (Only in 3 & 5 Hrs Tours)
  • Drinks

Pirate Boat Trip in Tenerife Price

Price List of Tenerife Pirate Boat Trip in 2023:

Age 2 Hours 3 Hours 5 Hours
Adult (≥ 12) 25 € 39 € 50 €
Child (6 – 11) 12.5 € 19.5 € 25 €
Infant (0 – 5) Free Free Free

Days & Time

Peter Pan pirate boat is departing every Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at 10:00 AM for 2 hours trip and at 13:30 for 3 hours trip.

Shogun pirate boat is departing every Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Sunday at 11:00 for 5 hours trip.

Pick-Up & Drop-Back

Free hotel transfer from south of Tenerife for both Peter Pan and Shogun boat.

3 € Adult, 1,5 € Children transfer fee for Shogun boat from Puerto de La Cruz.

Tour Photos

Tour Program

Peter Pan

The Peter Pan is a Portguese Gulet and dates back to last century.  It has a capacity of 60 passengers and is built in true pirate style giving you a feeling of being a true explorer of the seas.  On board you will find toilet facilities, a bar and a room that can hold up to 15 people.  There is also a sunbathing area on the upper deck.  The Peter Pan is fully equipped with lifejackets for your safety.


After enjoying a relaxing sail along the coastline the captain will anchor in the marine reserve of La Caleta to enjoy a refreshing swimming break.  This is a wonderful chance to swim in the ocean with the Tenerife coastline providing a beautiful back-drop.

Tours are available Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at 10am or 1:30pm.

Morning tours

The morning itinerary lasts for 3 hours and includes lunch.  Lunch consists of meatballs with rice, salad and bread, followed by fruit.  A choice of beer or wine is served with your meal, all of which is included in your excursion price.  You will also be served water or soft drinks throughout the excursion.

Afternoon tours

The afternoon itinerary lasts for approximately 2 hours and includes soft drinks and water.  Please note that lunch will not be served in the afternoon. 

A free bus transfer is available for those staying in the south of Tenerife.  There is an additional charge of 3 Euros for those staying in Puerto de la Cruz.  Please do not hesitate to contact us with any queries.



The Shogun is a Teak hard wood pirate style boat that was originally built for an Arabian Sheik with a capacity of 144 people. On board you will find toilet facilities with disabled access, a bar and dining area.  The Shogun is fully equipped with lifejackets for your safety.

After a relaxing sail along the coast the captain will anchor in the Bay of Masca where there is an opportunity to bathe or simply take in the breathtaking cliffs of Los Gigantes, an excellent backdrop to your swim break.

Tours are available every day EXCEPT Tuesday and Saturday.  Departing at 11am the excursion will last approximately 5 hours. Included in the price of the excursion are water and soft drinks with a glass of wine or beer served at lunch.  Lunch consists of roast chicken drumsticks served with rice, vegetables, salad and bread with fruit to follow.

A free bus transfer is available for those staying in the south of Tenerife.  There is an additional charge of 3 Euros for those staying in Puerto de la Cruz.

Q & A

How much is the Tenerife Pirate Boat Trip in 2023?

Pirate Boat Trip in Tenerife is 25 € for adults, 12.5 € for children between 6 – 11 years old and free for children under 6 years old.

Is lunch included in the excursion?

Please refer to the different itineraries to confirm.

Are there disabled facilities available?

The Shogun pirate boat has disabled access and facilities.

Which boat should I choose?

The Shogun boat offers a full day itinerary where the Peter Pan offers a morning or afternoon excursion.  You may choose the one that fits best with your plans.

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